Yesterday I got extremely car sick while Tim drove up and down the mountains. We are so glad we rented a car because I'm thinking the ride on a bus would have been so much worse. Yesterday was a funny day - we took one wrong turn and had to pay a toll, turn around and pay it again. Then Gab dropped and broke a jar of Nutella in a market near our apartment...two funny things I forgot to write about yesterday.
So, to avoid the car sickness today, I drove. I will say, driving here is insane. There are pretty much no rules and really, I know I've said the roads are windy, but that doesn't really begin to describe them - there are more twists and turns than I don't know, more than any roads I've ever seen! But the good news is that I didn't get sick, I just squeezed the wheel while I drove and went from 2nd to 3rd gear over and over again. I hadn't driven a stick shift in about 15+ years, so that made it even more exciting. We checked out a couple of small towns - Maiori and another one we never figured out the name of. Tim and Gabi just went to go find some wine to have with dinner and I'm supposed to be starting the pasta, but I can't figure out how to turn the stove on without burning down the apartment, so I'm blogging instead. We stopped in a little bakery to get some bread and for 2.85 euros we bought 3 nice sized rolls and 3 calzones - lunch for can't buy a calzone for less than 5 bucks at home!
Hello - Another Italian workout for you with all the shifting! Good thing I taught you how to drive stick all those years ago, huh? So, how's the pizza there? The wine? Say "hi" to the Gods for me, will ya?! :) My knees hurt just thinking about all those stairs - take pics.